An Unexpected Miracle; A Whole New Journey

Feels weird to have time every once in a while, so now I can actually do one of these! I know I’ve already posted this on my FB, but I was called by the JET Program, and they need someone to fill in for them, and I so happened to be high enough on the waiting list to be called back. For those who don’t know the JET Program, it’s a program (if not THE program) that sends people to Japan to teach English as ALTs (Assistant Language Teacher), and I went through the whole process for getting in this program (which was like 10 months in total). After a certain amount of time, I just had to find other ways to get to Japan. However, by some sheer dumb luck, they call me back, and of course I accepted! I’ve been studying (and still read) Japanese for over 7 years, majored in Japanese, volunteered teaching English for about 3 years, sooo I think I might be a little qualified for the position xP

It’s just odd how this came to be. I knew I wanted to take Japanese back in high school since, well, I am part Japanese myself. Having no background knowledge of Japanese or Japanese culture whatsoever, and sounding more interesting than Spanish and French, I dove into it wholeheartedly, and thank the heavens I did. It was one of the few subjects I actually enjoyed, instead of just getting an “A” in a class. I went with taking Japanese in college because, well, I enjoyed taking it, learning it, immersing myself in it. Along the way, I’ve met many people that I’ll never forget; that I still keep in contact with to this day. I thought that volunteering with helping Japanese students learning English would be a wonderful idea, since I’m learning Japanese, it’s like “You teach me, I teach you” (Pokemon!) kind of deal. Who would have thought it would have such a profound impact on my life, having that amazing feeling of being a part of other people’s lives by bettering their understanding of something they work so hard to achieve. That of course is helping understand English and American culture. It’s…pretty hard to put in words, trying to describe the sheer joy when you know you helped someone else understand something that they couldn’t before. That they wanted to reach that level of understanding, and they appreciate the help that you put in to get that person there.

And now, me becoming an English teacher, in one of the most prominent programs Japan has to offer. It’s insane to think about. Now I’ll have to get used to being called “sensei,” which is an odd thought within of itself. For those who don’t know, “sensei” isn’t just used for teachers, the term is used for all kinds of professions like doctors, lawyers, artists, that sort of “title.” It can really apply to anyone who is an expert in their respective field. Teachers are held in high regard in Japan, much higher regard in American culture (at least with my opinion and understanding). I’m not putting down any teachers in America. Hell ALL teachers are practically heroes within their own right, it’s HOW they are viewed and treated is what’s different, which teachers are highly respected in Japan. So to get such a prominent position, it’s pretty daunting to think about.

Like, when my mom called me at work telling me the JET Program wanted to call me, I was like “no way, they possibly couldn’t be calling me for an open position,” but here I am now telling this unbelievable news. I’ve already started sorting all of my belongings, thinking of what to take, and thinking of what I have to leave behind. So many thoughts and feelings rush through my brain, like thousands of simulations firing simultaneously.

What should I bring? What do I need to do? What about money issues? How am I going to teach for such and such? Will I become an effective and engaging teacher? How well will I adjust? What kind of students will I be teaching? Will I have a good first impression on the students? I need to do this before I go. I need to meet these people before I go. Should I get this before I go? (Or do I just want to buy it?). It’s just a thought overload, it makes me want to sit down before I get overwhelmed. Thankfully I have some time so I’m been trying to take it piece by piece, a little checklist of things to do before I go, and what to consider when I go. I know that the real work is only getting started, but I think that’s one of the exciting parts about it. Of course, I got in, and that is enough for celebration in its own right. Considering the thought that I am going to be part of an influence that will benefit the education of students minds and assist their futures in ways I can’t think of yet, it’s pretty exhilarating. Even if it’s a small influence, it’s still a small ripple that can cause a wave affect that at least, one person out their will be affected and be thankful for my efforts. Being able to provide that kind of support, that kind of educational assistance, that kind of backing saying “hey it’s difficult, I know, but I know you can do it.” Despite Japanese and English being vastly different, I’m practically living proof that, learning and understanding another language completely different from your own, is totally feasible. I don’t describe myself as being really “smart” in the broad sense. I take time to study, and I have to take time to memorize and practice material just like any other person. I don’t pride myself in being “smarter” than others or getting better test scores than others, I pride myself of bettering myself every day. I take pride in the fact that I can have such an amazing ability as being able to condense difficult concepts in order for other people to understand said concepts in a simple matter. I take pride in the fact that I can help people find another way of expressing themselves, and help them understand more about other human beings on this planet.

I take pride…well too much pride is hubris…and if anyone knows Greek mythology, hubris WILL come back around to haunt you…seriously the gods don’t mess around. Getting off topic. I will definitely be blogging about my experiences and happenings while I’m over there (I’ll make a separate blog on my wordpress, if anyone is interested in that). Which means I know I need to keep up on said blogging. Which means I need a good camera (darn…something else to buy xP).

I think I’ve said enough for now. “Til next time…I wonder where I’m actually going to be placed XD (I’ll find out sooner or later, just gotta wait for a little bit longer)